kehan 发表于 2024-1-12 22:39:48



Live stream - 直播
Streamer - 主播
Go live - 开播
Streaming platform - 直播平台(如Twitch, 有图比 Live, FB Live等)

Viewers/audience - 观众
Chat room - 聊天室
Donation/tip - 打赏
Subscriber - 订阅者
Subscription - 订阅

Stream title - 直播标题
Stream quality - 直播画质
Buffer/lag - 卡顿
Webcam - 摄像头
Microphone - 麦克风

Interaction - 互动
Respond to viewers - 回应观众
Shout-out - 打招呼
Giveaway - 抽奖
Q&A session - 问答时段

Game streaming - 游戏直播
IRL (In real life) streaming - 生活直播
Just Chatting - 聊天互动
ASMR streaming - ASMR直播

I hope these common words and phrases help provide some English vocabulary around live streaming! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.
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查看完整版本: 关于直播的英语